
The Kingdom Life: A Practical Theology of Discipleship and Spiritual Formation is unavailable, but you can change that!

Each of us has ties to family, friends, and strangers in our society, so our spiritual formation should touch not only ourselves but everyone we meet, including the most needy. The truest kind of transformation—the kind Jesus taught and modeled—prompts us to reach out to our neighborhood instead of withdrawing into a self-absorbed, isolated, and risk-free spirituality. For six years, a dozen...

gospel approach really produce a lifelong transformed disciple of Jesus? The statistical answer is “No!” at least not according to the pollsters. According to Gallup polls, it has been said that up to 40 percent of Americans have had a “born-again” experience, yet the transformative aspects of what that means in “real life,” such as marriage and divorce or personal ethics and morality, reveal no discernable difference between Christians and the rest of the population. But before we run too quickly
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